Techno Vision (Real Time) with Breakdown

In an effort to round out my skillset I decided to do a project based on mainly Post Processing Effects. Primarily inspired by the Detective Mode from Rocksteady's amazing Batman: Arkham franchise. It was fun to do a pretty much exclusively unreal project with only two texture maps used for the the entire effect. The workhorse of this effect being simply Event Dispatchers and a Post-Process Material. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints please feel free to leave a comment, I'd love to hear some feedback.

Big Props to Nixon Poon

I'm once again using his fantastic scene as a back drop for my effect. I highly recommend you check him out to see some truly fantastic environment and technical art.

I'd also like to credit Mixamo for the characters and their animations.

Still Image of the Default View.

Still Image of the Default View.

Still Image of the Tech Vision view

Still Image of the Tech Vision view

The Blueprint driving the material change of all of the key objects in the scene (like the foot prints and skeletons). Very simply just listening for an event to be cast and then preforming a material change.

The Blueprint driving the material change of all of the key objects in the scene (like the foot prints and skeletons). Very simply just listening for an event to be cast and then preforming a material change.

This is the material that is assigned to the objects after switching to the vision mode. Fresnel driven by world normals to give a unique "Heat Signature" look to the key objects.

This is the material that is assigned to the objects after switching to the vision mode. Fresnel driven by world normals to give a unique "Heat Signature" look to the key objects.

Post Process material. The groups commented red contribute to the scan line effect. The blue ones set the depth in which the entire effect occurs and blends the color of the scene with a select material.

Post Process material. The groups commented red contribute to the scan line effect. The blue ones set the depth in which the entire effect occurs and blends the color of the scene with a select material.